Tahereh Safavi is half-Iranian, half-Chinese, all improv kid. Whether in dance, theatre, or circus, if it's ensemble improvised, she's down. As a performer, she was ‘born’ at the Bristol Renaissance Faire, where she learned to make history engaging for a non-academic audience. She a contributing expert for Fact In Fantasy (Penguin 2022) and editor-in-chief at the Ubergroup, a 200-person intensive writer's workshop. She's currently based in NYC.
Aida Victoria Moussavi is an Iranian American from the Deep South. She grew up speaking a mixture of Farsi, English, Azerbaijani Turkish and hearing fascinating stories in each language that fueled a life long interest in history, and tales from around the world. She lives in Houston with her cats, finches, and fish and is forever chasing her ultimate career goal of being the neighborhood cat lady.